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Student Accommodatio

BSc(hons) dissertation project 

In the final year of my undergraduate degree, through discussions with the Wood Studio, I used massive timber construction for my design that formed part of the ‘Project Evaluation’ group project.  For this project I selected Cross Laminated Timber panels and I was impressed by the technical support provided by KLH for a student project.  The main goal of the highly successful project was to find a simple and straight forward constructional solution. The CLT technology was able to address all the problems, conflicts and was able to provide solutions to a challenging design and development scenario.

The designs was developed in the context of the site constraints, planning and legislative considerations, viable costs and current cultural, environmental, and relevant social and political issues. The mine objective was to demonstrates coherent synthesis of all these factors in the work produced combined with the demonstrable ability to effectively communicate this to the panel of assessors. Individual effort was of course required but the main point of the exercise was to develop time management, teamworking and communication skills.

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